samedi 18 septembre 2021

- The Dead Ginsburg Effect -

As many of you probably know, 9/18 is the one-year anniversary of Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death.

I figured this would be a wonderful time to celebrate and honor her contribution to the GOP and ponder what the future may hold for both parties, after her parting gift.

Of course, you may say, “Ginsburg was hardly a Republican”.

That is true. Ironically, Ginsburg, a champion for women's rights, was nominated for the bench by the serial womanizer and saxophonist, Bill Clinton. However, her greatest life achievement was in her selfish refusal to retire. Apparently, she thought she was going to live forever, or just couldn’t accept the idea of being out of the limelight. Perhaps she was confident that Clinton would win in 2016? Regardless, her vanity and arrogance turned out to be a wonderful blessing for the GOP.

Supposedly, on her death bed, she said, “"My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed.” Well as they say, wish in one hand and poop in the other…see which fills up faster.

Republicans did the honorable thing and did not let the court bench sit in tatters. Meanwhile, the butt-hurt Dems whined about Ginsburg, their traitor in death. The exciting result, for everyone, was that yet another Republican ended up on the SCOTUS bench.

So, the question is, how will all of this play out? Will the Dems attempt to twist our Democracy in their favor by packing the court, as threatened? Should they? Will the Republicans be inclined to play the same game further down the line? What other political implications are at play, or have been witnessed, since her incredibly sad passing?

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