samedi 25 septembre 2021

Teen threatened with arrest for social media post

A girl threatened with charges or jail over her COVID social media posts has won a lawsuit against the sheriff.


A federal judge has ruled in favor of a high school girl who said she was threatened with jail if she didn't take down her social media posts about her brush with COVID-19 last year.

Cohoon posted on Instagram that she thought she had been infected, had been to hospitals, and though she tested negative, her doctors thought she probably had had it earlier. In a final post, she is wearing an oxygen mask and says she's beaten COVID, and urges others to stay safe.

On March 27, Marquette County Sheriff's Sgt. Cameron Klump came to the Cohoon home and said Sheriff Joseph Konrath had ordered the posts be taken down, as he didn't believe there were any confirmed cases of COVID in the county.
The police threatened her father with arrest if the post was not removed. It appears that both sides agreed that the facts were not disputed. The police also tried to claim qualified immunity. The court sided with the Cahoon family.

The judge's decision;

Steve Lehto made a video in which he takes great exception to the police's lawyer claiming there was no threat of arrest.

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