mercredi 8 septembre 2021

Obscure philosophy professor resigns from woke university: What now?

Peter Boghossian has resigned from his university as he claims they have put ideology above ideas.

You may remember him from those hoaxes he pulled with James Lindsay when he tried to prove that identity politics was rubbish by writing hoax papers and trying to get them published in ultra-obscure journals. His university was not very happy about it and considered the practice to be unethical, which, to be fair, they may have had a point. Besides, the vast majority of the many hoax papers that they wrote never got anywhere near being published, and the few that got further along in the process seemed to be the result of well-meaning peer reviewers who were trying their best to polish turds.

Anyway, he also cites his issues with some talks of his being interrupted such as one time when he was talking with Christina Hoff Sommers and Bret Weinstein that he got heckled by someone sitting in the front row. Apparently she is a tenured staff member who stops shouting out when Boghossian tells her off. Filmed here by Andy Ngo:


He also had one of his talks, this time with Sargon of Akkad [aka: Carl Benjamin of the increasingly deranged UK Independence Party - no really, this was after the bulk of the party led by Nigel Farage had split to form the Brexit Party and left the "too-racist-even-for-Nigel-Farage dregs"] interrupted when someone set off a fire alarm. This was, coincidentally also filmed by Andy Ngo.


He also says "Shortly thereafter, swastikas in the bathroom with my name under them began appearing in two bathrooms near the philosophy department. They also occasionally showed up on my office door, in one instance accompanied by bags of feces. Our university remained silent. When it acted, it was against me, not the perpetrators."

He links to evidence of that in the photograph.

Anyway, what's he going to do now? Go to another university? Start his own podcast? Go on Joe Rogan? Join his pal James Lindsay at Sovereign Nations, get paid by Michael O'Fallon and become a Trump supporter?

Attached Images
File Type: jpg Peter Boghossian is a secret nazi.jpg (59.0 KB)

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