jeudi 2 septembre 2021

Hitler?s A-Bomb

I answer questions in Quora a lot, and one fellow wanted to know how to use science to debunk the various Holocaust deniers he encountered.
I replied that no evidence would convince such people? They could read through the entire trial transcripts from Nuremberg and still believe.

One of the replies I got to my answer was this bit of deranged script:

?I dare you yourself to read the entire transcript of the Nuremberg trial since you've just made it overwhelmingly clear to anyone who has that you've never read a single sentence.

In fact please read me the excerpt from the Nuremberg trial about how the Germans killed 20,000 jews using an atomic bomb despite Albert Speer previously testifying that they were a year or two away from the technology.

Make sure to pay careful attention to the part abput how prior to using the atomic bomb on these jews, instead of the enemy military, they built them a little town to live in.

Apparently the only holocaust denier is you because you doubt this claim and the claims, proven at Nuremberg, that in total over 100 million jews were killed by nazis in the holocaust.?

Like? Wow. I doubt that there were ever 100,000,000 Jews living in Europe, and that Adolph would have wasted his only bomb when the Allies were knocking on his door??.

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