jeudi 23 décembre 2021

First "Quantum Entangled" Animal in History

Not sure where this might lead to. Can it be scaled up for a Star trek transporter?

Frozen tardigrade becomes first 'quantum entangled' animal in history, researchers claim


researchers have exposed tardigrades to the coldest temperatures and highest pressures that moss piglets have ever survived — not just to test the critters' biological limits, but also to see whether a frozen tardigrade could be incorporated into two quantum entangled electric circuits, then later revived to its normal active state.

The results, reported in a new paper published to the preprint database arXiv, suggest that, yes — scientists may be able to add "temporary quantum entanglement" to the tardigrade's growing list of accomplishments. However, early responses to the paper have taken issue with this finding.

If the findings ultimately withstand peer review, then this experiment will represent the first time a living animal has been quantum entangled — a bizarre phenomenon typically confined to the smallest subatomic particles.
The paper @

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