jeudi 9 décembre 2021

New York gives noncitizens the right to vote in local elections

New thing for the outrage machine, especially is one ignores the actual facts of the issue:

New York City gives noncitizens right to vote in local elections


Under the legislation, noncitizens who have lived in the city for at least 30 days and are legal permanent residents in the US -- including green card holders, individuals with workers permits and DACA holders -- will be allowed to vote in city elections, including mayor, public advocate, borough president and city council.
Let's look at that again, but highlighting the parts that people are already ignoring so they can be outraged:


Under the legislation, noncitizens who have lived in the city for at least 30 days and are legal permanent residents in the US -- including green card holders, individuals with workers permits and DACA holders -- will be allowed to vote in city elections, including mayor, public advocate, borough president and city council.
So no, student visas don't cut it. Illegal immigrants still don't get to vote. Tourists don't get to vote. Temporary work visas don't get it (foreign sexy models in town for photo shoots don't get to vote until after having sex with orange men). Non-citizens still don't get to vote for state-level offices and certainly not national level.

I've got a feeling the right-wing disinformation machine is going to have a field day with this, mostly by ignoring all basic facts of the matter.

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