mercredi 8 décembre 2021

Whoopsydaisey Not My Taser Trial Begins

The trial of the police officer who shot and killed a driver thinking she was using her taser gets underway. Prosecutor says she was negligent; defense lawyer blames driver.

MINNEAPOLIS -- A suburban Minneapolis police officer who said she mistakenly drew her gun instead of her Taser when she fatally shot Black motorist Daunte Wright went on trial on manslaughter charges Wednesday, with a prosecutor saying Kim Potter had been trained how to avoid such deadly mix-ups but still got it wrong.


I still don't fully understand how this happened. In my area police don't routinely carry tasers, but when they do they carry them on the opposite side from their gun hand in a thigh, not belt, holster. And they are yellow. If she carried her gun and taser next to each other, seems like catastrophe would practically be guaranteed.

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