vendredi 31 décembre 2021

The Lure Of Christianity.

Many a time I have pondered this.

Of course the prime inducement of Christianity is the promise of life everlasting. The promise of life after death being "proven" by Christ's resurrection. This is the central message, that punches through in all the myriad of different versions of Christianity. From the staid services of traditional Catholicism, to the whooped up Pentecostals rolling about in the pews.

I wonder about the readiness of some groups to embrace Christianity. Particularly those who are taking on the faith of their oppressors. The American negroes comes to mind as an example, although they have reshaped the services in a dramatic manner, the premiss of life beyond death is a central theme.

I also wonder about groups who show reluctance to embrace Christianity, and I suspect the Australian aborigines may be among those in this category. Not all mind you, but my limited observations suggest a distinct variation, between them and the Islanders, not far from these shores. The Islanders seem to take Christianity on with enthusiasm.

Perhaps the aborigines of this country had some notion of life after death in their previous beliefs. Stories of the dreamtime and such comes to mind.

Perhaps others here know of other groups resisting the lure of Christianity. Perhaps they have something in common?

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