mercredi 1 décembre 2021

Your son or daughter acting in pornography?

A poll on who is and who is not comfortable with their son or daughter (or if you aren't a parent then whether you would be or not) acting in porn (I am talking about son's and daughter's of any legal age). Options specify whether you do watch porn or not and your gender (male, female, non-binary).

Just to be clear, each option has been simplified - so "I WATCH, am MALE and COMFORTABLE" should be read as:
"I WATCH porn, am MALE and COMFORTABLE with my son or daughter acting in porn"

If you don't know what is normal for porn actors and actresses these days, Gail Dines (Professor Emerita of Sociology and Women's Studies, Wheelock College, Boston) gives details in her TED talk: "Growing Up in a Pornified Culture" (go to 7m31s). (Please note that this video uses explicit sexual terms). It's available on YouTube (I can't post a link as I do not have enough privilege).

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